mary kay eye cream review
i'm going to be talking about a product that came in only two different shades and this is the mary kay shimmer liquid eye shadow this one is in graphite and this one is an amethyst and let me tell you the amethyst is just divine i'm going to go ahead and do a quick swatch this is what the doe foot applicator looks and you can see like the golden flakes that it has in here i mean that it is just a beautiful stunning color i'm going to go ahead and swap swap swatch this on the back of my hand.
so you can see it now i have a love hate relationship with these products so that is the amethyst and i don't know if you guys can see it so you can see like the gold flakes and i'm looking at the camera so you guys could see it very beautiful but each time i try to put it on my eyes like it just lifts up the color like there's nothing there it's like bald i'm like what is happening like this is so much trouble then it's worth but if you get it right and you're having a good makeup day and you're able to make this work this is divine now i don't think they have this um any longer on their website so you may have to reach out to a consultant for it here is the graphite and i think the graphite is a lot better it's thicker formula a lot thicker so i don't know if the amethyst the one that i have is just bad or what but what i'm gonna do is do one eye with the amethyst and one with the graphite now you can put this by itself or you can put it on top of eyeshadow and right now i do have eyeshadow on the amethyst is going to look amazing with this underneath.
i have not personally tried the graphite the graphite has like gold specks in it i mean it's just it really is really pretty so all right so let me go ahead and do the amethyst and you know what let me just i'm gonna try to get as much as i can on the doe foot applicator on this thing let me show you the difference of consistency between the two because i think there's something wrong with the actual formula with the amethyst at least the one that i have so these are can you see the difference i don't know if you can here on the back there's hardly any product turn it around there's product on every single side so again i don't know so but either way we're going to go ahead with the amethyst first and there's two ways to apply it i prefer putting it on my finger and then spreading it out that has worked best for me for this application again if you put it directly on your eye and you try to like put more on top to get it more saturated it's going to take it away it's just the most incredible thing i've ever seen like you work so hard and then it's gone in a split second so i'm gonna go ahead and put it on my finger and you see like these metallic flakies i mean it's just such a pretty color so pretty all right so i'm going to go ahead and let me get a mirror so i could do this properly and i'm going to get as close as i can to the camera you guys see me oh this is like all right here we go so i'm going to go ahead and gently tap it across the eye and just bring it up to the brow bone because so pretty on the camera i mean this is stunning especially like when you're having a night event but like again like when you try to get it thicker it just like takes the product off on off of it i'm like what in the world is happening right now oh my god but this is amethyst on my eye and you can see it gives it like this nice reflective wet look i mean like i it's really divine now the other thing with this i have noticed at least for me um i get a warm sensation when i put this on my eyelid eye product right and i have noticed that i get some redness and some just some redness not like puffiness and not anything i don't know what's in the formula but somehow it i don't know how to explain it so if you have sensitive eyes i don't have sensitive eyes if you have sensitive eyes you're going to feel what i'm feeling just saying all right so the next thing and people say beauty is pain toes are an extent though right so i'm gonna go ahead and do the same application on the other finger so i'm gonna go ahead and do see this one is like so much thicker look you see how much thicker that is from amethyst i really think there's something wrong with that one all right so i'm gonna not put as much and kind of take it a little bit easier on it so i'm putting that much on and i'm going to go ahead and take my mirror again and i'm going to go ahead and tap it the same way i did amethyst and again this one's graphite this is stunning too like with like a smokiness now you know that i had color underneath and you can do that um look at that it's just stunning and what i like is just like it takes a different dimension on your eye right um so this one even by itself.
will look stunning and again this one like i have a this is how it looks like when you have your application you were done with it um i don't know what do you guys think i feel like when i look down i mean it is stunning and the amethyst i have a big chunk this one i have a somewhat cooling sensation on my eye but not like it is on this side but again if you have sensitive eyes i forewarn you using this product and i haven't had issues like that with any type of eye shadows um this is the first time that's happened and hopefully it's the last time um but yeah so i mean i think this is gorgeous so what i'm going to do i'm going to take a little bit that's left over from this silver graphite one to use the correct terminology and i'm going to layer it on top of this to see like what effect it gives it and i'm just going to be gently tapping again all over oh yeah for the holidays this will look so stunning but do i really want to go through that run this afterwards you can decide on yourself all by yourself look how pretty that is oh it's kind of thick here it's not too bad anyways you have to play with it right it's not like the perfect thing so i'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing but on the other eye with the this one and i'm scraping the side so you can see and still not oh god it gets me so angry why is it so difficult it's so beautiful and so difficult all right this is the most i have been able to take all right so i'm going to go ahead and put it on this side [Music] very gently see how it looks let me get a mirror so i can see what i'm doing see like you have to like keep your eyelids down till it fully dries because then it starts balding it's like you know i've heard of like youtubers talk about like how like there's patchiness and all that stuff i get it now i completely get what they're saying because this is what's happening with this one like here i'm gonna use this as a pointer here i don't know if you guys could see it it's like at least i could see it it's completely like balding here and then here it's like missing a huge chunk right there but like when you look at it see like it there's like a huge chunk like lifted there like that is just insanity i don't get it anyways i don't know i'm pretty sure there's other different things on the market i feel like this is the it just the colors are so beautiful but the formula is terrible oh my gosh even when i go i'm like you know what today's the day i'm gonna try it's gonna be a good day it doesn't matter this is what you end up with it's like what in the world anyways so this is the mary kay uh liquid eye shadow if you see somebody say like when you look down but see like right there that balding spot that's gonna bug me right yeah it just looks terrible now this doesn't look good anyways if you have a consultant that is trying to sell you these do not get them it's not worth it it really isn't um it's beautiful it's like the colors are stunning i don't know how else you would be able to use this um i don't know maybe you can do like a graphic eye underneath the eye but i mean again i feel the tingle-ness and all that stuff so i'm gonna take this off but yeah so even though these are stunning beautiful colors i mean the shift on it is just beautiful and stunning i hope they can actually formulate this that it's not sensitive to the eyes and also that it actually works and it doesn't cause patchiness like this is insanity not worth it all right well that is it.